New Global Enterprises

   People and organizations profiting from change and complexity   

To Contact Us:  

95 Dublin Drive  
Pleasant Hill, CA  94523  

Phone: 925.788.6076  

What is a New Global Enterprise?

Going forward, the new dominant order in each economic sector encompasses both services and production alike.

The Developed World is, in large part, Cyberian--a combination of people, processes and automation.

Constant scaling is required--up, out or down with equal ease, and all is market driven.

In the Darwinian sense, selection is based on adaptability and flexibility rather than number, size or strength.

Frequent radical transformations may be required as markets grow efficient at an ever increasing rate.

It comes down to “Consolidate or be consolidated. Change or die.”

NGE aspires to be such an organization.

What is our current focus?

2016: Up, Up and Away!!

New Global Enterprises are investing in the operational readiness of Industrial IoT. This is led by Old Global Enterprises, like GE and IBM. The current focus is on production grade Software Defined Secure Content Aware Networks (SD-SCANs).

We will realize this vision as we distribute Supply Chain Analytics, LLC (SCA)'s pilotable Analytic for capital allocation. This Analytic is called CAP:FER® branded under SCA™ within Management of Forklift Fleet Economic Replacement.

Our current view is that, in 2017, Forklifts and IoT are in the Geoffrey Moore early adoptor stage. 2018 will be the year when Moore's Chasm will be crossed. This implies, in Moore's terms, that 2018 is the year "Inside the Tornado" when IoT organizations will begin with hypergrowth and realize substantial cost savings, greatly increased revenues while building sustainable competitive advantage.

From a consuming organization standpoint, this translates into a cautious adoption of these old and new technologies and methods to address new issues of internal and external IT data handling. With Clouds, IoT is moving towards the sourcing of workload handling on a dynamic basis within protected dark SD-SCANs of assets.


Industrial IoT: Forklift Scenario and Business Case

For a business case description of the culmination of the last 30 months of NGE activities in the Industrial IoT space. It is about Information Deilvery to actuate Knowledge of Decision Makers. These Decision Makers use their Wisdom to choose the best options for Actions.


Industrial Asset Management

Each stage in the figure to the right is an opportunity area for focused analytics to support improved decision making on Redeploy, Repair or Replace.

21st Century Pattern: Economic Stages in the Life of an Asset

• Acquisition: Funding + Transaction
This is the largest Capital Allocation decision, generally needed to be known 18-24 months in advance.

• Maintenance: Parts + Labor
This is the ongoing operational requirements, budgeted at least quarterly. All-in costs need to be considered: Wages + Benefits and Cost of Carry for Parts Inventory.

• Opportunity Cost: Lost Business
This involves lost or delayed work due to failures of Assets. A forklift failure on the warehouse floor not only slows the completion of its workload, but frequently interrupts other forklift movements down the blocked aisle.

• Cost of Capital: Depreciation + Financing
This represents the steady loss of Asset value due to age plus the requirement to finance the Capital allocated to funding the Assets.

• Cost of Disposal
This refers to the removal of Assets from production and what is involved in selling or scrapping the Assets. It could be as little as allocated rent for a salvage yard where assets may be kept.


CAP:FER® Application Model Overview

"Some Questions??" asked Holmes, rhetorically.

This is Intelligent Agency
in a
Time of Fleet Management and Conveyance.

"Logistics, my dear Watson!", he then answered. without waiting.

How Old is the Fleet?

How Operationally Efficient is the Fleet?

How Economically Efficient is the Fleet?


The diagram at the left is the Master Business Architecture.


CAP:FER® Application Business Process

(1) Choose Historical Database View
Work Order History provide the necessary information to determine cost of maintenance over time.

(2) Select Periods for Consideration
Analysis reveals that many trucks are used far beyond their economic life. Trucks operating over 15 years are not a rare phenomena.

(3) Choose Assets to Analyze
Projection of costs are made using regression analysis estimate applied on selected truck population (make/model).

(4) Run SCA™ Special Dynamic Programming Algorithm
The way we make decisions whether to keep or replace a truck is by looking at the total ownership cost over a planning horizon.

(5) Choose Preferred Options
The Results as a Decision Table with proposed actions for an individual truck.


The Capital Plan involves decisions concerning the entire fleet in the warehouse.

Thus, we have the basis of a Capital Plan for the Warehouse(s).


The Firm Foundation

That is, 'Firm' in both senses: 'solid/steadfast' and 'company/enterprise'.

A Master Infrastructure Architecture for
a Production Grade Software Defined Secure Content Aware Network

Over the past 20 years we've developed and maintained an NGE SD-SCAN Strategy Engineering Notebook. Security is managed separately from applications and is "just" a part of the infrastructure that is automatically included.

"In the Container" thinking.


An Architecture for designing and developing products up and down the IoT stack

Proceeding Up the Stack for the Premium Value.


Locating Patterns of Control for Surrogate Device Agents is paramount.

[Warning: Geek Alert]

Surrogate Device Agents are Intelligent Agents, dubbed groBots™ here.

As a preview to a book in progress, here is P.10 torn from the current working notebook on Intelligent Agency. It provides a view/beginning of codification of Intelligent Agents.




Why engage us?

Because we can help increase value!!

NGE Associate/Partner Expertise and Experience

Deep business expertise with over 150 years of experience that centers on all aspects and sectors of Financial Services, Capital Markets and Investment Banking. We have significant experience in Health Care Information Systems and large-scale Printing Systems. Most recently, now, Supply Chain Logisitics.

Technology experience is broad and deep covering strategy, application development, infrastructure development, and last, but not least, training.

What is our competitive advantage?

Assisting individuals and firms to profit in the change and complexities of modern markets and technologies.

Success of IT actions should be a matter of maintaining up-to-date knowledge and managing options with positive expectancy--do things that have positive expected outcomes based on best information

These outcomes may not always be realized, but if they are, they contribute to value building.

Positive expectancy is a lot like Warren Buffett's Rule #1: Never lose money.

How do we help build value?

  • Advise decision makers
  • Assess capabilities of systems and people

  • Manage building business information systems

  • Define, design and execute Proofs of Concept and Pilot Projects



2009: The Not-So-Distant Past

New Global Enterprises are investigating the operational readiness of Cloud Computing. In our humble opinion, Cloud technologies are just more arrows in the quiver of IT solutions. The current focus is on production grade Enterprise Security and Operational Monitoring.

Our current view is that, in 2009, Clouds are in the Geoffrey Moore early adoptor stage. 2011 will be the year when Moore's Chasm will be crossed. This implies, in Moore's terms, that 2010 is the year "Inside the Tornado" when Cloud Services providing organizations will build sustainable competitive advantage.

From a consuming organization standpoint, this translates into a cautious adoption of these old and new technologies and methods to address new issues of internal and external IT workload sourcing. Cloud is moving towards the sourcing of workload handling on a dynamic basis.

Relevant Resources

For the two seminal whitepapers on Cloud issues:

  • Considering Clouds for Enterprise Use

    As the starting point to guide seven Proofs of Concept described in the NGE activities whitepaper above, the question is

        “Are Clouds ready for Enterprise Prime Time?”

    Our answer is a qualified “yes” depending on the readiness of the consuming organization.

    After all is said and done, Cloud technologies are old wine in new bottles.

    This paper extends the "as a Service" concept to include Environment as a Service (EaaS).

    EaaS provides the Service Level Quality demand side of the equation. Software, Platform and Infrastructure as a Service are the supply side modalities of delivery.

  • Enterprise Policy Development and Support

    This is an overview discussion on how to use Security and General Business Policies in a controllable fashion. This approach underpins Cloud and Enterprise solutions that use the same architecture and tools.

    Moving workloads from a private enterprise cloud to a public or hybrid cloud is then totally transparent. This is the essence of elasticity and fulfilling the promise of the overhyped term "Cloud."

    Contained in the paper is a Policy Life Cycle description that guides the requirements on tools for policy management.

Resources: Whitepapers/Presentations

Below are some items extracted from the Founder's Intellectual Property grab bag (as a colleague and close friend of NGE's Founder is fond of saying).

To see all our available on-line resources, click here.

Business Philosophy

We are pursuaded more by 1991 Economics Nobel Lauriate Ronald Coase's Theory of "Contracts make efficient markets" that with Adam Smith's Hidden Finger. With Adam Smith, mostly one gets one's finger pricked with his allegorical pins. With Coase, one gets demonstrable, in the small--entity to entity--efficient production. The term that best describes Coase is "Pico-Economics."

Technical Architecture

Founder’s Bio and Blog

Background on NGE's founder, David M. Sherr, and his periodic and occasional updates on issues affecting and effecting New Global Enterprises, Economics, Financial Systems, Health Care Systems, the Social and Political Scene, and, just plain interesting or fun stuff, in general.

External Publications

The NGE founder and associates are preparing a whitepaper for the Cloud Security Alliance submission as Framework Foundation for the CSA's 2.0 Operating Guide.

See the current Table of Contents, deliverables ETA, August 2009. This outline will be split into two separate papers.

  • Securing Clouds with Open Standards, Part I: Solutions
  • Securing Clouds with Open Standards, Part II: An Open Narrative Architecture

We are discussing various topics of Cloud Security in the LinkedIn Cloud Security Alliance Discussion Group


Public Appearances of NGE Associates

  • CSA Federal Cloud Security Symposium, McLean, Aug 5, 2009

    The Open Narrative Framed Question for David M. Sherr's two panel discussions.

       For 2009-10, The Business Case == Lower Cost Structure

       For 2010-11, The Business Case == Top Line Enhancement

  • Sierra Ventures CIO Conference, Palo Alto, Sept 2009

  • Goldman Data Center Techtonics Conference, New York, Nov 2009

  • InterOp, New York, Nov 2009

  • RSA Conference, San Francisco, Mar 2010


Alert! NGE Web Site ready to morph.

Our Web Site structure is really retro. If you've gotten this far, you know that means this is a scrolling window site, with no explicit Web 2.0 enhancement. But to its credit, there is a richness in the simplicity of pages that are dynamic in reformating to window dimensions with titled sections fitting within a viewable window pane.

So it is simple and very portable to any HTML 1.1 based browser, even the embeddable http Object in Turbo Pascal.

However, as we begin to deepen the information structure of this site, you will find that the "Resources: Whitepapers/Presentations" section, "Technical Architecture" subsection is not viewable in one window pane. And, thus, it is time, in scribe like fashion, to model books as knowledge containers using folios and codices--leafed lists--not just scrolls.

Scrolls connote order and time lines. We can keep our quill pen, nonetheless. It is format not the means of description and inscription that are being updated.

Folio Books are easily accessed in the middle in random ways that scrolls are not. Quill pens work fine with both scrolls and folios. It is Web 2.0 that updates quill as a technology.

Desparately seeking redesign. But, when to do it?

The question has always been, "What functions and information do we need to deliver, NOW?" Always, doing something rather than writing about it seemed the best way to go.

Now that the fruits of our 2004 Five-Year Strategy are becoming apparent, we are communicating with an Open Narrative.

Stay tuned for emerging useful Open Architectures, Business Components and Development Tools.

Your comments welcome
